Mechanical Models Collection Locomotive with PlatformThe outstanding mechanics of the Age of Steam in the V-Express Steam Train with Tender model
accommodated all the technical solutions applied in the previous models. Its extravagant view with many gears inside, represents the whole period of 19th century engineering. Time when advanced countries competed, whose locomotive is bigger, more powerful and more solid. In the locomotives of that time were used the maximum achievements of progress. This model is available only on Kickstarter and is the largest one, rich for details, so to say «the most fancy» from the entire range of UGEARS mechanical models.
At the same time it is very harmonious and pleasant in handling. Every one who see the assembled model comes to the delight of originality and sophistication of the assembly. Steam train is gathered step by step with very detailed colored instructions. All the details are already cut and you need just remove them from the board. At first, gather some units such as wheel base, housing, gears and then they are transformed into a ready-made model.
Everything is ready for launch. Now you can let the system by pressing the lever, designed in the form of a window leaf. Your locomotive will increase the speed. Distance and speed depend on how hard rubber engine was screwed. In general, due to the large cascade of gear, model can ride about 5 meters.
By installing a locomotive on a flat surface or on the track it's time to connect a tender just with easy click. Tender will lock securely. For easy detaching we designed a separate lever near the coupling.
Model is designed for self-assembly without glue.
• Size Model Locomotive: 300 * 100 * 120 мм
• Size Model Tender: 170 * 100 * 110 мм
• Package size: 37*00*3 cm
• Number of parts: 530